1.It is testimony to what can be achieved by a transatlantic community that acts with a clear sense of common purpose.
2.It's no surprise that, in those circumstances, building a national team with a common purpose is all but impossible.
3.It must be replaced by a renewed sense of civility and a commitment to embrace our common purpose as Americans.
4.As important as social presence may be, a community of inquiry is associated with a sense of common purpose and cognitive presence.
5.Rather than chasing yet another not-so-clever plan, the EU must restore a common purpose and a sense of solidarity.
6.a nation conquer fear itself with a New Deal, new jobs and a new sense of common purpose.
7.Solidarity is an expression of enlightened self-interest, the self-interest of the members of a team working in achieving a common purpose.
8.And on this day, we recall that at our darkest moment, we summoned a sense of unity and common purpose.
9.Effective management is the leveraging of the efforts of your team to a common purpose.
10.A group or movement uniting various inpiduals or organizations for the achievement of a common purpose; a coalition.